Privacy Policy

The following policy applies to customers of our services. Please read and understand the following policy. If you have any questions, please email our support team.

Email communications

• When you send us personally identifying information in an e-mail, we use the information you provide only to help us gather the information you might request. In an effort to respond to your request, information you submit may be viewed by various people within Webox Pty Ltd. Once received, the information to your e-mail is protected in accordance with this Policy.

Public Space

• Any information that customers disclose in a public space, including on any website Webox may host for you, is available to anyone else who visits that space. Webox Pty Ltd cannot safeguard any information you disclose there.

Banking Data

• We neither store nor retain any credit card information

Collection of Personal Data

• Webox collects personal data about users when you visit a website hosted by us.

Use of Personal Data

• Any information Webox Pty Ltd collects from you through correspondence with us, whether via e-mail, telephonically or by written letter, will only be used to address the matters within that correspondence.


• Webox Pty Ltd will not provide services to a minor unless such minor has explicit written consent from a parent or guardian.

Monitor User & Network Traffic

• Webox Pty Ltd has the right to monitor user and network traffic for site security purposes and prevent any unauthorized attempts to tamper with our site or cause damage to our property.

Webox Pty Ltd has the right to make changes to this privacy policy without notice. It is the responsibility of our customers and site visitors to ensure that they have read the changes.