Website Information

Please be very technical when answering the following questions so we can obtain as much information about your business as we can to use on your website.

General Information
•  Company Name
•  Registration Name
•  Company slogans
•  Company logo
•  Company colour schemes
•  Static content or frequently updated content

•  What is the type of product/service do you provide?
•  Do you have images of your product/service?
•  Do you have detailed information for each product/service?
•  Do you show prices or price on request?

About Us
•  Who is the owner(s) of the company?
•  How did it start?
•  When did it start?
•  Why did it start?
•  Where are you base/location/head office?
•  Do you have a history/ background you wish to tell?
•  Do you have Mission Statement?
•  Do you have a Vision?
•  Any Achievements/Accolades?
•  Any major projects you worked on?
•  Any previous/current work you can showcase?

•  Do you want a gallery of pictures of any kind (e.g like a wedding photographer can show wedding photos)
•  Any pictures sent should be labelled and in the correct format (.png/.jpg)
•  Do you want image sliders on your home page only or on all pages?

Downloadable Content
•  Do you have downloadable content like a word or PDF document?
•  Is your content hosted on a different server?
•  Do you require your file content to be hosted by Webox?

Contact Details
•  Physical Address
•  Postal Address
•  GPS Coordinates (Google Map Link)
•  Telephone
•  Fax
•  Landline
•  Mobile Number
•  Email Address
•  Trading Hours
•  Branch Location
•  Social Network Links (Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, Google+, etc.)
•  Do you require an enquiry form to be filled out on your website, that is then emailed to you or you want the client to contact you via the details on the contact us page.

Frequently Ask Question
•  Do you need to provide your customer a FAQ (Frequently Ask Question) page to answer simple questions that might be confusing to them at first?

Terms & Conditions / Legal Page / Disclaimer / Policy
•  Do you have a legal document(s) that each of your customers has to follow in order for you to offer your product(s) or service(s)
•  Please send us the legal document in Microsoft Office Word Format (.docx)